
Saturday 12 May 2012



1) What is SQL?
1)  SQL stands for "Structured Query Language". It is a slandered for relation database system. It is 4th generation non-procedural language where we have to just specify what to get and its system's responsibility how to get it.

2) How many types of SQL Statements are there in Oracle?
2) There are basically 6 types of SQL statements. They are
1. Data Definition Statements (DDL) DDL statements define, maintain, and drop objects when they are no longer needed. DDL statements also include statements that permit a user to grant other users the privileges, or rights, to access the database and specific objects within the database.
2. Data Manipulation Statements (DML) DML statements manipulate the database's data. For example, querying, inserting, updating, and deleting rows of a table are all DML operations; locking a table or view and examining the execution plan of an SQL statement are also DML operations.
3. Transaction Control Statements Transaction control statements manage the changes made by DML statements. They allow the user or application developer to group changes into logical transactions. Examples include COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.
4. Session Control Statements Session control statements allow a user to control the properties of his current session, including enabling and disabling roles and changing language settings. The two session control statements are ALTER SESSION and SET ROLE.
5. System Control Statements System control commands change the properties of the Oracle Server instance. The only system control command is ALTER SYSTEM; it allows you to change such settings as the minimum number of shared servers, to kill a session, and to perform other tasks.
6. Embedded SQL Statements Embedded SQL statements incorporate DDL, DML, and transaction control statements in a procedural language program (such as those used with the Oracle Precompilers). Examples include OPEN, CLOSE, FETCH, and EXECUTE.

3) Built-in Data types in ORCALE 9i
a) VARCHAR2 - Variable length character string. The maximum size is 4000 bytes.  Will not have trailing blanks.
b) NVARCHAR2 - Variable length character string. Generally used with national character sets. The maximum size is 4000 bytes.  Will not have trailing blanks.
c) NUMBER - Variable length numeric data. Maximum length is 21 bytes.
d) LONG - Variable length character data. Maximum length is 2 gigabyte. Provide for backward capability.
e) DATA - Fixed length date and time. Uses 7 bytes.
f) TIMESTAMP - Contain year, month, day,  second, and fractional seconds.
g) INTERVELYEAR/DAY - Store period of time in years and months.
i) RAW - Variable length raw binary data. Maximum length is 2000 bytes. Provide for backward capability.
j) LONG RAW - Variable length raw binary data. Maximum length is 3 gigabytes. Provide for backward capability.
h) ROWID - Hexadecimal string containing the address of the row.
i) UROWID - Hexadecimal string containing the logical address of the row.
j) CHAR - Fixed length character string. The maximum size is 2000 bytes. Will  have trailing blanks.
k) NCHAR - Variable length character string. Generally used with national character sets. The maximum size is 2000 bytes.  Will have trailing blanks.
l) CLOB - Single byte character data upto 4 gigabyte.
m) NCLOB - Single byte or fixed length multibyte National Character set up 4 gigabyte.
n) BLOB- Unstructured binary data up to 4 gigabyte.
o) BFILE - Binary data stored in an external file.

4) What are the data types supported by oracle (INTERNAL)?
4) Varchar2, Number, Char, MLSLABEL.

5) Char vs VarChar ?
5) The differee difference between CHAR and VAR CHAR is that CHAR takes up a fixed amount of space on the disk while VARCHAR takes up only the space required for the actual string (or the number of bytes specified by r if you use the VARCHAR(m,r) syntax).
For example:
DEFINE char_str CHAR(10)
DEFINE var_str1 VARCHAR(10)
DEFINE var_str2 VARCHAR(10,5)

LET char_str = "A"
LET var_str1 = "A"
LET var_str2 = "A"
On disk, the following space will be used (I use the hyphen to mean a space)
char_str    A---------
var_str1    A
var_str2    A----        (<- 5 bytes total because of its declaration)

So, varchars make much better use of you disk space-wise.  There is, of course, a price to pay. 
1. When you add varchars to a table, the rows are no longer of a fixed length.  If your select does a sequential scan of the table, it will now take longer because it will need to calculate the starting location of each row. 
For example, before the engine can examine record #2, it must figure out the length of  record #1. Etc. 
2. Record updates become more difficult.
For example, imagine a record with a varchar of 10 bytes.  If you update the record so that the varchar  is now 20 bytes, the record will most likely have to be moved to another spot on the disk where it can gain the 10 extra bytes it needs.

So, the pros and cons work out like this:
Pro: Disk space is conserved when the lengths of data items vary widely or when only a few items are longer than average. (i.e. The r value of the VARCHAR(m,r) syntax)
Pro: Queries on the more compact tables can be faster.
Con: Updates of a table can be slower in some circumstances.
Con: Sequential scans can be slower (as if they weren't bad enough already!)

As far as some of the other comments go.
1) I think that char strings are stored with their space padding on the disk.  It doesn't matter, though, since they are allocated a fixed number of bytes either way.
2) VARCHAR is not equivalent to TEXT in anyway!  Blobs are handled completely differently than VARCHAR! 
3) Varcher may or may not be efficient depending upon your circumstances and what you mean by
efficient (disk space vs. performance).

My personal experience is that, for the most part, char is better than VARCHAR.  However, there definitely are times when a VARCHAR is what you want.

6)  What is B-Tree, Reverse Key, Bit-Mapped Key, Function Based index and , Index organized Tables(IOTs) ?
6) Upto 30 column can be placed for multicolumn Index.   
a) B-Tree Index - All Indexs are B-Tree Indexes be default unless otherwise stipulated whenever the index  is created. Rowid is used to locate the actual row in the table(Simple Index or Unique index).
b) Reverse Key Index - It is actually B-Tree Index with reverse key. It reverse the byte of column indexed. The rowed is not reversed. For example 'Wentz' will be 'ztneW'. It is also a bit map index.
Advantage of reverse key indexes is that insertion become distributed across all leaf keys in the index. This work well in the equality comparisons such as where lastname = 'Wentz'.
DisAdvantage - Rang scanning does not work very well.
c) Bit Map Index -
1. A Bit Map Index is an alternative to the B-Tree Index. In this Bit Map is created for each key value instead of  a list of Rowids as in a B-Tree index.
2.Each bit in bit map is corresponding top a rowId. When bit is set then it means that the row with the corresponding RowId contains the key value.
3.A mapping function convert the bit position to an actual Rowid so the row can be found whenever performing a query.
Ex -
Product_no = 'P00001'    Product_no = 'PO3453'      Product_no= 'P06734'
-----------------------------    ------------------------------       ---------
        1                                        0                                            0
        0                                        1                                             0
        0                                       0                            1     
        0                                       0                                             1
        0                                       1                                             0

Each entry or 'bit' in the bitmap index corresponds to a single row of the table. The value of each bit depends upon the values of the corresponding row in the table. For instance, the bitmap Product_no = 'P00001'  contains 1 as its first bit. This is because the product no P00001 is in the first row of the table.
1. Work well with the tables containing million of rows.
2. Bit Map index improve response time dramatically whenever multiple join conditions reference the column having the Bit Map index created on it. Bit Map index also works good for join conditions having many (AND, OR clause).
3. Bit Map works well when the column referenced in the Bit Map index is not updated or deleted frequently.
4. Bit Map indexes work well when the columns contained in the Bit Map index has a low cardinality is usually (a small number of distinct values).  Low cardinality is usually whenever a column has less then 12 distinct values. An example would be a column containing YES or NO.
1. Does not work well with the tables that have the column in the Bit Map Index updated frequently.
2. The bit Map index requires rebuilding frequently.
d) Function based Index -
1. A function based index precomputes the value of the expression or function and stores it in the index.
2. The expression or function can't be aggregate function such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, GROUPING, STDDEV, LAST, FIRST, RANK etc.
3. Function Based indexes still used the B- tree indexing method.
4. Use function based index whenever a function is used in the where clause or join condition of a query. An example would be whenever searching for a persons last name using UPPER function.
5. If a person's last name is stored in mixed case and the search condition is provide in the upper case, a full table scan is performed if a function based index is not created using the UPPER function.
6. If function is a PL/SQL function or package and the function  or package is disabled Oracle will not use the Function Based index.
e) Index Organized Table (IOTs):
1. Index Organized Table (IOTs) stores the indexed columns of the table in the table itself. An index Organized table (IOTs) will in most instance contain an index on the primary key of the table that does not change frequently.
2. Index organized tables store the data in the order of primary key of the table.
3. Index organized tables can provide very fast access to table data when the query execute a exact match or range search on the indexed primary key of the table.
4. The decreased time is primarly because the Oracle only has to make a singe trip to the table since the index is part of the table index. No going to index and then to the table as in other indexes.
5. Storage requirement for the index  are reduced since the index column is not duplicated in the separate index.
6. The keyword ORGANIZATION INDEX indicates to Oracle that the table will be on IOT.
7. Indexed organized tables can be become large since they contain all rows of the table. The mandatory OVERFLOW clause provides the necessary space to divide a row into parts.
8. If you use IOT, make sure your application will not update primary key frequently. 

7)  Object Types: Abstract Datatype, Nested Tables , Varying Array, Large Objects, References, Object Views.
1. Abstract Datatype: Abstract datatype is a datatype that consists of  one or  more subtypes. abstract data types can be nested and can contain references to other abstract data types.

2. Nested Tables: A nested table is a table within a table. A nested table is a collection of rows, represented as a column within the main table. For each record within main table, the nested table may contain multiple rows.  In a sence, It's a way of storing a one-tomany relationship within one table.
Consider a table that contained information about departments, in which each department have many projects in progress at any ont time, In a strictly relational model, two separate tables would be created.
Nested tables allow storing the information about projects within DEPARTMENT table. The project table records can be accessed directly via the DEPARTMENT table, without the need to perform join.
The ability to select data without traversing joins makes data access easier. Even if methods for accessing nested data are not defined. Department and Project data have clearly been associated.

3. Varying Array: A varying array is a set of objects, each with the same data types. The size of the array is limited when it is created.
(When the table is created with a varying array, the array is a nested table with a limited set of rows) .
Varying arrays also known as VARRAYS, allows storing repeated attributes in tables.

For example, suppose there is a PROJECT table, and projects have workers assigned to them.

A project can have many workers, and a worker can work on multiple projects. In a strictly relational implementation, a PROJECT table, a WORKER table, and an intersection table PROJECT_WORKER can be created that stores the relationships between them.

Varying array can be used to store the worker names in the PROJECT table. If the projects are limited to ten workers or fewer, varying array with a limit of the entries can be created. The datatype for the varying array can be created. The datatype for the varying array will be whatever datatype is appropriate for the worker name values.

The varying array can then be populated, so that for each project the names of all of the project's workers can be selected without querying the WORKER table.

4. Large Objects: A large object, or LOB, is capable of storing large volumes of data. The LOB datatypes available are BLOB, CLOB, NLOB and BFILE.
a. CLOB - Single byte character data upto 4 gigabyte.
b. NCLOB - Single byte or fixed length multibyte National Character set up 4 gigabyte.
c. BLOB- Unstructured binary data up to 4 gigabyte.
d. BFILE - Binary data stored in an external file. It exist at operating system level. The data base
only maintains a pointer to the file. The size of the external file is limited only by the OS. Since the data is stored outside the database, ORACLE does not maintain concurrency or integrity of the data.
Multiple LOBs per table can be used. For example, there can be table with a CLOB column and two BLOB columns.

5. References : Nested tables and varying arrays are embedded objects. They are physically embedded within another object. Another type of object, called referenced objects are physically separate from the object that refer to them.  References (also know as REFs) are essentially pointers to row objects. A row object is different from a column object. An example would be a varying array, it is an object that is treated as a column in a table. A row object, on the other hand, always represent a row.

6. Object Views :  Object view allow adding OO concepts on top of existing relational tables. For example, an abstract datatype can be created based on existing table definition. Thus, object views give the benefits of relational table storage and OO structures. Object views allow the development of OO features within a relational database, a kind og bridge between the relational and OO worlds.

8) What is rowid? when it changed ? Can you delete data using rowid?
8) Hexadecimal string containing the address of the row. If you ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT on a  partitioned table, then the rowid of a row can change if the partitioning or sub-partitioning key is updated such that the row must be moved into a different partition or sub-partition. However, this is not the default.
However, you cannot assume that the rowids of deleted rows will not be reused by subsequent inserts to the same table. In fact, once the delete transaction has been cleaned out, you can almost guarantee that they will be. So you will need to find another way of doing your deletes (possibly using the primary key).
The ROWID never changes for a row unless you change it using EXP/IMP utilitie

9) When will you get invalid rowid error?
9) Oracle 8i's ROWID is a base 64-encoded physical address and has significant difference from Oracle7 ROWID. If you database has not been migrated to 8i, you may get invalid rowid error.

10) How to delete duplicate record from table using row-id?
a) delete from &&table_name t1 where t1.&&column_name in (select &&column_name
from &&table_name t2 where t1.rowid > t2.rowid and t1.&&column_name = t2.&&column_name)
undefine table_name
undefine column_name
The script will prompt for a table name and a column name from which duplicate values are to be removed. It will then remove all rows with ROWID values higher than the lowest ROWID for this particular column.
b) Let us take a table containing 3 columns, then we can use the following command to delete the duplicate rows from the table.
delete from table where rowid in (  SELECT  rowid FROM group by rowid,col1,col2,col3
minus SELECT  min(rowid) FROM group by col1,col2,col3);
c) delete from table where rowid not in ( SELECT  min(rowid) FROM group by col1,col2,col3 );
d) delete from employee where empid not in (Select min(empid) from employee)
e) select column_name from table_name group by column_name having count(*) > 1

11) How to find Second Max() and Min() value of a Column..?
a) For Second Max: Select columnA from tableA order by columnA desc limit 1,1;
b) For Second Min: Select columnA from tableA order by columnA asc limit 1,1;

a) Select max(salary) from table where salary not in(select max(salary) from table);
b) Select min(salary) from table where salary not in(select min(salary) from table);

nth Max() and Min() value of a Column:
Select distinct col from table a where 3 = ( select count(distinct col) from table b where b.col >= a.col)

12) What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE table ?
12) Delete:
At the simplest level, delete scans the table and removes any rows that match the given criteria in the (optional) where clause. It generates rollback information so that the deletions can be undone should it be necessary. Index entries for the deleted rows are removed from the indexes. You must commit to make the deletions permanent.
When deleting rows from a table, extents are not deallocated, so if there were 50 extents in the table before the deletion, there will still be 50 after the deletion. In addition the High Water Mark is not moved down, so it remains where it was before the deletion began. This means that any subsequent full table scans may (still) take a long time to complete - because a full table scan always scans up to the HWM. So, by example, if a select count(*) from very_large_table; took 15 minutes to complete before all the rows were deleted, you will find that it still takes about 15 mins after the deletion - because Oracle is still scanning every single block up to the HWM - even though some (or all) of the blocks may have no data in them.
Truncate, on the other hand, simply moves the high water mark on the table right down to the beginning. It does this very quickly, and does not need to be committed. Once you truncate a table, there is no going back. Indexes are also truncated. There is no facility to be able to specify which rows to 'delete' as you can with the where clause on the delete command.
When a table is truncated, all its extents are deallocated leaving only the extents specified when the table was originally created. So if the table was originally created with minextents 3, there will be 3 extents remaining when the tables is truncated.
If you specify the reuse storage clause, then the extents are not deallocated. This saves time in the recursive SQL department if you intend to reload the table with data from an export for example, and can reduce the time it takes to do the import as there is no need to dynamically allocate any new extents

13) When having clause is used?
13) The having clause is used to restrict the result set returned by the GROUP BY clause. When you use GROUP BY with the HAVING clause, the GROUP BY clause divides the rows into sets of grouped rows and aggregates their values, and then the HAVING clause eliminates undesired  aggregated groups (filter the rows that a group by statement returns).
SQL> select * from students;
---------- --------- - ---------- --------- ---------
Smith      04-JUL-65 F 2          2         5.8
Green      04-JUL-65 F 3          2         3.3
Taylor     01-JAN-77 F 4          1         0.8
Bane       01-JAN-55 M 5          4         4
SQL> select gender, count(*) from students group by gender;
You should see the following result.
- ---------
F 3
M 1
Select gender from students group by gender having avg(gpa) > 3.9;
You should see the following result.
SQL> select gender from students group by gender having avg(gpa) > 3.9;
14) Is it mandatory to have a group by clause if , having exists ?
14) Yes.

15) What are the set  operator?
15) Set operators combine the results of two queries into one result. INTERSECT returns all distinct rows selected by both queries. MINUS returns all distinct rows selected by the first query but not by the second. UNION returns all distinct rows selected by either query. UNION ALL returns all rows selected by either query, including all duplicates.
1.If both queries select values of datatype CHAR, the returned values have datatype CHAR.
2.If either or both of the queries select values of datatype VARCHAR2, the returned values have datatype VARCHAR2.

16) What are Row Operators?
16) Row operators return or reference particular rows. ALL retains duplicate rows in the result of a query or in an aggregate expression. DISTINCT eliminates duplicate rows from the result of a query or from an aggregate expression. PRIOR refers to the parent row of the current row returned by a tree-structured query. You must use this operator in the CONNECT BY clause of such a query to define the parent-child relationship.

17) What are comparison operators?
17) Typically, you use comparison operators in the WHERE clause of a data manipulation statement to form predicates, which compare one expression to another and always yields TRUE, FALSE, or NULL. You can use all the comparison operators listed below to form predicates. Moreover, you can combine predicates using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT.

Compares a value to each value in a list or returned by a subquery and yields TRUE if all of the individual comparisons yield TRUE.
Compares a value to each value in a list or returned by a subquery and yields TRUE if any of the individual comparisons yields TRUE.
Tests whether a value lies in a specified range.
Returns TRUE if a subquery returns at least one row.
Tests for set membership.
Tests for nulls.
Tests whether a character string matches a specified pattern, which can include

18) What is the use of dynamic SQL statement prepare and execute
18) Dynamic SQL lets programs accept or generate SQL statements at run time. Unlike precompiled SQL or SQL module language, in which SQL statements are known at compile time, dynamic SQL lets the user formulate the statements at run time.
Preparing the SQL statement for execution: When a SQL statement enters the Oracle library cache, the following steps must occur before the statement is ready to execute:
1. Syntax check - The SQL statement is checked for proper spelling and word order.
2. Semantic parse - Oracle verifies all of the tables and column names against the data dictionary.
3. Stored Outline check - Oracle checks the data dictionary to see if a stored outline exists for the SQL statement.
4. Generate execution plan - Oracle uses cost-based optimizer algorithms and statistics in the data dictionary to determine the optimal execution plan.
5. Create binary code-Oracle generates a binary executable based on the execution plan.

Once a SQL statement is prepared for execution, subsequent executions will happen very fast, because Oracle recognizes identical SQL statements and re-uses executables for those statements.
However, for systems that generate ad hoc SQL or SQL with embedded literal values, SQL execution plan generation time is significant, and previous execution plans often can't be used. For those queries that join many tables, Oracle can spend a significant amount of time determining the proper order to join the tables together.

Evaluating table join order
The most expensive step in the SQL preparation process is the generation of the execution plan, particularly when dealing with a query with multiple joins. When Oracle evaluates table join orders, it must consider every possible combination of tables. For example, a six-way table join has 720 (permutations of 6, or 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720) possible ways that the tables can be joined together. This permutation issue becomes even more pronounced when you have more than 10 joined tables in a query: For a 15-way table join, there are over one trillion (1,307,674,368,000 to be exact) possible query permutations that must be evaluated.

19) What are the Different Optimisation Techniques
19) The Various Optimisation techniques are
a) Execute Plan: we can see the plan of the query and change it accordingly based on the indexes
b) Optimizer_hint:
Select /*+ First_Rows */ Deptno,Dname,Loc,Rowid from dept
where (Deptno > 25)
c) Optimize_Sql:
By setting the Optimize_Sql = No, Oracle Forms assigns a single cursor for all SQL statements.This slow downs the processing because for evertime the SQL must be parsed whenver they are executed.
f45run module = my_firstform userid = scott/tiger optimize_sql = No
d) Optimize_Tp:
 By setting the Optimize_Tp= No, Oracle Forms assigns seperate cursor only for each query SELECT  statement. All other SQL statements reuse the cursor.
f45run module = my_firstform userid = scott/tiger optimize_Tp = No

20) Where does oracle store information about query?
20) Oracle actually 'stores' two relevant things in buffer.
Firstly, it stores the actual code you're executing along with the execution plan. It stores this in the Library Cache which is a component of the Shared Pool which is a component of the System Global Area (SGA). When Oracle parses the statement and determines the execution plan (which takes time and in the case of complex queries can take a substantial amount of time), this is stored away so that when the same code is subsequently executed, Oracle doesn't have to redo all the work of parsing and redetermining the execution plan. It's already there (note all users have access to this area of

Therefore, the first time you execut the quesry it probably needs to be (hard) parsed and so initially needs to go through this overhead. Subsequent times you execute the query, Oracle probably finds the SQL in the Library cache and is more efficient as a result as the hard parse is not performed.

To 'get rid' of this, you can issue the ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED_POOL;
Secondly, Oracle stores the 'blocks' that contain the rows of interest in a Buffer Cache that is also a component of the SGA. The reason it does this is two fold. Firstly, Oracle can only manipulate and extract information out of the blocks once they're loaded into memory. However they are stored in a
shared memory structure because having gone to all the trouble of retrieving the data from disk, there might be a possibility that the blocks might need to be accessed again. Note this possibility is greater for the session that has read in the block(s) but depending on the data (eg. block on a freelist)
and the data structure (eg. popular index) it is quite likely that another session may want access to the same block. The Buffer Cache is organized in a number of linked lists (eg. Least Recently Used LRU list) to encourage popular blocks to remain cached in memory.

Therefore, the first time you run your query, the blocks need to be read from disk and loaded into the Buffer Cache. However when you subsequently re-execute the query, the blocks are probably still cached in memory, so you avoid the (expensive) disk reads and the query runs faster as a result.

There is no flush Buffer Cache command (as it never makes sense to do tis).

21) Simple join and outer join?
21) Outer Joins:
The outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition. Such rows are not returned by a simple join. To write a query that  performs an outer join of tables A and B and returns all rows from A, apply the outer join operator (+) to all columns of B in the join condition. For all rows in A that have no matching rows in B, Oracle returns NULL for any select list expressions containing columns of B.

Example I
This query uses an outer join to extend the results of Example XIV:
SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname FROM emp, dept
WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno;


In this outer join, Oracle returns a row containing the OPERATIONS department even though no employees work in this department. Oracle returns NULL in the ENAME and JOB columns for this row. The join query in Example X selects only departments that have employees.

22) you can set a title to display at the top of each page of a report. You can also set a title to display at the bottom of each page. The TTITLE command defines the top title; the BTITLE command defines the bottom title.
You can also set a header and footer for each report. The REPHEADER command defines the report header; the REPFOOTER command defines the report footer.

23) How do u implement the If statement in the  Select Statement
23) We can implement the if statement in the select statement by using the Decode statement.
e.g select   DECODE (EMP_CAT,'1','First','2','Second',Null);
Here the Null is the else statement where null is done .

If you want to compare, for instance, tbl.Payment with 200,use this code:
Select decode(sign(tbl.Payment -200),0,'two hundred',1,'Greater than 200','less than 200');

This is a nice shortcut rather than writing the procedure.
The value of sign(tbl.Payment -200) is 0 if  tbl.Payment = 200.
The value of sign(tbl.Payment -200) is 1 if  tbl.Payment > 200.
otherwise, or
The value of sign(tbl.Payment -200) is -1 if  tbl.Payment < 200

24) What is SERVEROUTPUT setting? Can I print inside a PL/SQL program?
24) One can use the DBMS_OUTPUT package to write information to an output buffer. This buffer can be displayed on the screen from SQL*Plus if you issue the SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; command. For example:
set serveroutput on
  dbms_output.put_line('Look Ma, I can print from PL/SQL!!!');
DBMS_OUTPUT is useful for debugging PL/SQL programs. However, if you print too much, the output buffer will overflow. In that case, set the buffer size to a larger value, eg.: set serveroutput on size 200000
If you forget to set serveroutput on type SET SERVEROUTPUT ON once you remember, and then EXEC NULL;. If you haven't cleared the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer with the disable or enable procedure, SQL*Plus will display the entire contents of the buffer when it executes this dummy PL/SQL block.
25) What built-in functions/operators are available for manipulating strings?
25) The most useful ones are LENGTH, SUBSTR, INSTR, and ||:
1. LENGTH(str) returns the length of str in characters.
2. SUBSTR(str, m, n) returns a portion of str, beginning at character m, n characters long. If n is omitted, all characters to the end of str will be returned.
3. INSTR(str1,str2,n,m) searches str1 beginning with its n-th character for the m-th occurrence of str2 and returns the position of the character in str1 that is the first character of this occurrence.
4. str1 || str2 returns the concatenation of str1 and str2

26) Is it possible to write a PL/SQL procedure that takes a table name as input and does something with that table?
26) For pure PL/SQL, the answer is no, because Oracle has to know the schema of the table in order to compile the PL/SQL procedure. However, Oracle provides a package called DBMS_SQL, which allows PL/SQL to execute SQL DML as well as DDL dynamically at run time.
For example, when called, the following stored procedure drops a specified database table:
CREATE PROCEDURE drop_table (table_name IN VARCHAR2) AS
    cid INTEGER;
    -- open new cursor and return cursor ID
    -- parse and immediately execute dynamic SQL statement
    -- built by concatenating table name to DROP TABLE command
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cid, 'DROP TABLE ' || table_name, dbms_sql.v7);
    -- close cursor
    -- if an exception is raised, close cursor before exiting
    -- reraise the exception
END drop_table;

27) What is the correct syntax for ordering query results by row-type objects?
27) As a concrete example, suppose we have defined an object type PersonType with an ORDER MEMBER FUNCTION, and we have created a table Person of PersonType objects. Suppose you want to list all PersonType objects in Person in order. You'd probably expect the following to work:
    SELECT * FROM Person p ORDER BY p;
But it doesn't. Somehow, Oracle cannot figure out that you are ordering PersonType objects. Here is a hack that works:

28) How you specify column separators?
28)  The solution is to concatenate the rows together with whatever separator you choose to display. For example:  SELECT col_a || '|' || col_b  FROM   table;
This will show the result like:

29) Can U disable database trigger? How?
29) Yes. With respect to table

30) What are attributes of cursor?

31) What are pseudo columns? Name them?
31) A pseudo column behaves like a table column, but is not actually stored in the table.  You can select from pseudo columns, but you cannot insert, update, or delete their values.  These are:  CURRVAL, NEXTVAL, LEVEL, ROWID, ROWNUM.

32) Rownum with ORDER BY clause?
32) One of the most often uses of the pseudo column rownum is to provide serial numbers to the records in a query. This feature is widely used in reports to represent systematic display of information.
For instance
Listing A
Select rownum, ename, empno from emp10;
Table A
---------         ----------       ---------
        1         KING          7839
        2         BLAKE      7698
        3         CLARK      7782
        4         JONES        7566
        5         MARTIN    7654
However, when we order this statement the rownum gets disturbed as shown below ( Listing B and Table B).
Listing B
select rownum, ename, empno from emp10 order by ename;
Table B
--------- ---------- ---------
        2   BLAKE             7698
        3   CLARK             7782
        4   JONES             7566
        1   KING              7839
        5   MARTIN            7654
As we can see from above the employee names did get ordered but the rownum also got the wrong order.  The desired result was BLAKE having rownum 1 , CLARK having a rownum of  2 and so on. To achieve this we have to outer join this table with dual that process forces a implicit order on the rownum as shown below ( Listing C, Table C).
Listing C
select rownum, ename, empno from emp10 a , dual d  where a.ename = d.dummy (+)  order by ename;
Table C
-------           ----------         ---------
      1           BLAKE             7698
      2           CLARK             7782
      3           JONES             7566
      4           KING              7839
      5           MARTIN      7654

The trick is to do an outer join with the column that you want to order and this process does not disturb the rownum order.  In addition to that if the column is of number datatype  then one should make sure to use TO_CHAR datatype conversion function.

32) Can you use select in FROM clause of SQL select ?
32)  Yes.

33) Inline View?
33) An inline view is just a subquery in place of a table in an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT.  If you could have issued a "create view as <subquery>" and then inserted/updated/deleted/selected from it, you can skip the create view and just inline it in the DML.

SQL> select * from ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno = 10 );

---------- ----------
      7782 CLARK
      7839 KING
      7934 MILLER

SQL> delete from ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno = 10 );
3 rows deleted.

SQL> update ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno = 20 ) set ename = lower( ename );
5 rows updated.

SQL> insert into ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno = 20 with check
option ) values ( 1, 'x' );
insert into ( select empno, ename from emp where deptno = 20 with check option )
values ( 1, 'x' )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation

SQL> insert into ( select empno, ename, deptno from emp     
  2  where deptno = 20 with check option ) values ( 1, 'x', 20 );
1 row created.

34) How many types of Exceptions are there?
34) There are 2 types of exceptions. They are
a) System Exceptions:
e.g. When no_data_found, When too_many_rows
b) User Defined Exceptions
e.g. My_exception exception
When My_exception then

35) How many columns can table have?
35)  The number of columns in a table can range from 1 to 254 (32 bit). 

36) What is the max. length for variable name and value to be stored in it
36)  A variable name must begin with character and can be followed by a maximum of  29 character.

37) What are the uid and user function?
37) UID returns an integer that uniquely identifies the session user (the user who logged on).


USER returns the name of the session user (the user who logged on) with the datatype VARCHAR2. Oracle compares values of this function with blank-padded comparison semantics.
In a distributed SQL statement, the UID and USER functions identify the user on your local database. You cannot use these functions in the condition of a CHECK constraint.


USER                                  UID
------------------------------ ----------
SCOTT                                  19

38) What does the set escape command does? or How does one disable interactive prompting in SQL*Plus?
Defines the character you enter as the escape character. OFF undefines the escape character. ON enables the escape character. ON changes the value of c back to the default "\".

You can use the escape character before the substitution character (set through SET DEFINE) to indicate that SQL*Plus should treat the substitution character as an ordinary character rather than as a request for variable substitution
If your data contains special punctuation characters, you may encounter difficulties in SQLPLUS of ORACLE. There are the solutions:
To obtain a single quote character ('), use two single quotes, i.e., '', to get one single quote character. For example, you would enter 'Smith''s Home' in SQL for the string "Smith's Home".
The '&' character is used by SQLPLUS as substitution character for data input. To use an '&' character as part of your string value, you need to turn on the escape character first use the following command:
SQL>set escape \
If you want enter a string containing '&, you would use '\' to escape the '&' character. For example, to enter the string, "Johnson & Son Co.", as 'Johnson \& Son Co.'
39)  How to insert an ampersand into an table? 
39) create table x (a varchar2(10));
Table created.

SQL> insert into x values ('a'||chr(38)||'b');
1 row created.
SQL> set escape on
SQL> insert into x values ('x\&y');
1 row created.
SQL> set escape off
SQL> set define ^
SQL> insert into x values('m&n');
1 row created.

SQL> select * from x;

39) With set autocommit on command, a PL/SQL block having multiple insert, update or delete statements is executed. Now if the script aborts in between, will all the changes be committed or none at all ?
39) SET AUTOCOMMIT ON treats a PL/SQL block as a single transaction. In other words, no matter how many INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements that are executed in the PL/SQL block, the commit will happen only at the end of the complete block. Therefore, if the script aborts in the middle of the block, then nothing will be committed. But as long as the block completes successfully, all statements executed within the block will be committed.

40) How to execute operating system commands from SQL plus? Or What is the difference between ! and HOST?
40) host ls -alrt
Both "!" and "HOST" will execute operating system commands as child processes of SQL*Plus. The difference is that "HOST" will perform variable substitution (& and && symbols), whereas "!" will not. (Note: use "$" under MVS, VMS, and Windows environments, not "!")

41) What is the difference between & and &&?
41)  "&" is used to create a temporary substitution variable and will prompt you for a value every time it is referenced.
"&&" is used to create a permanent substitution variable as with the DEFINE command and the OLD_VALUE or NEW_VALUE clauses of a COLUMN statement. Once you have entered a value it will use that value every time the variable is referenced.

42) How can a SQL script be executed automatically as soon as SQLplus is invoked?
42) When SQL*Plus starts up, it will look for a global login script called glogin.sql in the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin directory. If found, this script will be executed.
Thereafter, sqlplus will try to find a local login script called login.sql. It will look for the login.sql script in the directory where you start sqlplus from, alternatively it will search the directories listed in the SQLPATH environment variable for such a script. When found, sqlplus will execute it.

43) What is %type and %rowtype?
43)  The %TYPE and %ROWTYPE Attributes The %TYPE attribute provides the datatype of a  variable, constant, or column. This attribute is particularly useful when declaring a variable or procedure argument that refers to a column in a database table. The %ROWTYPE attribute is useful if you want to declare a variable to be a record that has the same structure as a row in a table or view, or a row that is returned by a fetch from a cursor.
When you declare a construct using %TYPE and %ROWTYPE, you do not need to know the datatype of a column or structure of a table. For example, the argument list of a procedure that inserts a row into the EMP table could be declared as
CREATE PROCEDURE hire_fire(emp_record emp%ROWTYPE) AS ... END;
If you change the column or table structure, the constructs defined on their datatypes or structure automatically change accordingly.
However, while one type of dependency is eliminated using %TYPE or %ROWTYPE, another is created. If you define a construct using object%TYPE or object%ROWTYPE, the construct depends on object. If object is altered, the constructs that depend on object are invalidated.

44) What are Procedure, functions and Packages?
44) Procedures and functions consist of set of PL/SQL statements that are grouped together as a unit to solve a specific problem or perform set of related tasks. procedure do not return values while function return one value.
Packages: Packages provide a method of encapsulating and storing related procedures, functions, variables and other Package Contents.

45) What are Database Triggers and Stored Procedures?
45) Database Triggers: Database Triggers (DT) are procedures that are automatically executed as a result of insert in, update to, or delete from table.
DT have the values old and new to denote the old value in the table before it is deleted and the new indicated the new value that will be used. DT are useful for implementing complex business rules which cannot be enforced using the integrity rules. We can have the trigger as Before trigger or After Trigger and at Statement or Row level.
e.g.: operations insert, update, and delete 3 before, after 3*2 a total of 6 combinations
At statement level (once for the trigger) or row level (for every execution)  6 * 2  A total of 12.
Thus a total of 12 combinations are there and the restriction of usage of 12 triggers has been lifted from Oracle 7.3 Onwards.

What is a stored procedure? Pre-compiled SQL statement residing in the database you can pass in parameters and you can receive result sets(s) out.

Why use stored procedures? Pre-compile once, use many times stored procedure is a re-usable object
reduce network traffic Separate business rules and logic from prresentation layer They're faster

Stored Procedures: Oracle Stored Procedures (OSP) are Procedures that are stored in Compiled form in the database. The advantage of using the stored procedures is that many users can use the same procedure in compiled and ready to use format. It also reduce the network traffic.

OSP should contain as much of the business rules logic for an application as possible. In front-end which handles only the user interface; OSP in the back-end encapsulate all the business logic of the app. The front-end basically gathers user input and passes it to OSP as parameters; the OSP contain all the logic data validation, etc. There are no SQL statements anywhere in the app.

There are several advantages to this approach. First, when the business rules change, OSP can be changed as necessary individually. There is no "library" that needs wholesale replacement, as with VB modules or .dll's.  At least with Oracle, procedures can be re-created without shutting down the server or the front-end app. This architecture permits a clear distinction in functionality between the front-end and back-end. You'll find that centralizing the business rule logic on the server back-end side makes both development and maintenance much easier in the long run.

46) What are the implicit & explicit cursor attributes?
46)  Both Implicit and Explicit cursor have 4 attributes:
Implicit Cursor:
1. %ISOPEN: The Oracle engine automatically opens and closed the SQL cursor after executing its associated select, insert, update or delete SQL statement has been processed in case of implicit cursor. Thus the SQL%ISOPEN attribute of an implicit cursor cannot be referenced outside of its SQL statement. As a result, SQL%ISOPEN always evaluates to FALSE.
2. %FOUND: Evaluates to TRUE, if an insert, update or delete affected one or more rows, or a single-row select returned one or more rows. Otherwise it evaluates to FALSE. The syntax for accessing this attribute is SQL%FOUND.
3. %NOTFOUND: It is logical opposite of %FOUND. It evaluates to TRUE, if an insert , update or delete affected no rows, or otherwise it evaluates to FALSE. The syntax for accessing this attribute is SQL%NOTFOUND.
4. %ROWCOUNT: Returns the numbers of rows affected by an insert , update or delete, or select into statement. The syntax for accessing this attribute is SQL%ROWCOUNT.

Explicit Cursor:
1. %ISOPEN: Return TRUE if cursor is open, FALSE otherwise.
2. %FOUND: Return TRUE if record was fetched successfully, FALSE otherwise.
3. %NOTFOUND: Return TRUE if record was not fetched successfully, FALSE otherwise.
4. %ROWCOUNT: Returns number of records processed from the cursor.

47) What is the difference between implicit and explicit cursors?
47) An explicit cursor is declared opened and fetched from in the program block where as an implicit cursor is automatically generated for SQL statements that process a single row only.

48) For which SQL statements is the implicit cursor opened?
48) SQL statements that processes a single row.

49) How cursor attributes can be referenced in case of implicit cursor?

50) Which is the form of the cursor, where these operations are made automatically?
50) In case if Implicit Cursor.

51) When is it appropriate to use explicit cursors, give an example?
51) When more than one row of a table is to be processed by an SQL statement.

52) Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? What is the mode of the parameter that can be passed?
52) Yes,  It can be of type value/ variable/ expression.The scope of cursor parameters is local to that cursor, which means that they can be referenced only within the query declared in the cursor declaration. Each parameter in the declaration must have a corresponding value in the open statement.

53) What are the advantages of using PL/SQL?
53) PL/SQL is a completely portable, high-performance transaction processing language that offers the following advantages:
1. Support for SQL.
2. Higher productivity.
3. Better performance
4. Portability.
5. integration with Oracle

54)  The procedural and SQL statements in a PL/SQL block are processed by the SQL statement executor and the Procedural statement executor. Explain how this works in a client server environment and where the components reside.
54) Application development tools that lack a local PL/SQL engine must rely on Oracle to process PL/SQL blocks and subprograms.
Anonymous PL/SQL blocks can be embedded in an Oracle Pre-compiler or OCI program. At run time, the program, lacking a local PL/SQL engine, sends these blocks to the Oracle Server, where they are compiled and executed.
When it contains the PL/SQL engine, an application development tool can process PL/SQL blocks. The tool passes the blocks to its local PL/SQL engine. The engine executes all procedural statements at the application site and sends only SQL statements to Oracle. Thus, most of the work is done at the application site, not at the server site
55) What are 4 of the places (or vehicles) for the use of PL/SQL?
55) What is the purpose of each?
1. As anonymous blocks which are compiled and run when loaded. Required to do once off tasks.
2. As triggers for integrity purposes. Required for integrity purposes.
3. As procedures and functions (collectively known as subprograms). To permanently store blocks of application code in the database for reuse at to refer to from other blocks of code(modularization).
4. As packages: essentially a named declarative section for storing related objects including procedures, functions and variables. See above subprograms.
(Triggers, procedures, functions and packages are stored in the database and can be called directly from other PL/SQL blocks)
Embedded in a host language such as C. To combine PL/SQL with a more powerful language such as C for specific tasks.

56) What are mutating tables?
56) When a table is in state of transition it is said to be mutating. e.g. If a row has been deleted then the table is said to be mutating and no operations can be done on the table except select.

A mutating table is a table that is in the process of being modified by an UDPATE, DELETE or INSERT statement. A table may also be considered to be mutating if  it needs to be updated due to a DELETE CASCADE referential integrity constraint. The reason you may get a mutating table error (i.e. ORA-04091) is that if you fire a trigger which attempts to look at or modify the same table, the trigger is effectively prevented from seeing a consistent view of the data.

For example, let's say that you attempt to give every employee who makes $10/hour a 10% salary increase as follows:  UPDATE employee SET salary = salary * 1.10 WHERE salary = 10 ;
This would mean that the changed salary for all these employees would be $11. Your UPDATE statement caused an AFTER ROW trigger to be fired that contained the following statement: SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE . . .
You would get the mutating table error because the trigger tried to query the original employee table but the original table was in the process of change. Which version of the table should Oracle retrieve when the SELECT is issued? That's the problem! Oracle simply will not allow this statement to occur, because it doesn't have any way of knowing how to provide the correct set of data (i.e. a consistent view of the data). Oracle would generate the ORA-04091 error and rollback both the trigger body and the triggering statement (i.e. the UPDATE).
Bottom-line: you cannot touch the table you are updating, deleting from or inserting into in any trigger or user-defined function code that it may execute

57) What restrictions apply to the use of PL/SQL in triggers?
57) First define mutating table and a constraining table.
A mutating table is one that is one that is currently being modified by a DML statement. For a trigger this is the table on which the trigger is defined. Also if a table is being updated as a result of a DELETE CASCADE referential integrity constraint it is also mutating.
A constraining table is a table that might need to be read from for a referential integrity constraint.

For all row level triggers and also a statement triggers that have been fired as a result of a DELETE CASCADE operation.
SQL statements in a trigger body may not
-read from or modify any mutating table of the triggering statement. This includes the triggering table itself.
- read from or modify the primary, unique, or foreign key columns of a constraining table of the triggering table. They may, however, modify the other columns if desired.

58) What are the Locks in Oracle?
Shared Locks:
1. Shared locks are placed on resource whenever a READ operation(SELECT) is performed.
2. Multiple shared locks can be simultaneously set on a resource.
Exclusive Locking:
1. Exclusive locks are placed on resources whenever Write operations (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) are performed.
2. Only one exclusive lock can be placed on a resource at a time i.e. the first user who acquire an exclusive lock will continue to have the sole ownership of the resource, and no other user can acquire an exclusive lock on that resource.
59) What is the use of 'For Update'?
Explicit Locking: The technique of lock taken on a table or its resources by a user is called Explicit Locking.
Who can Explicitly Lock?
User can lock tables they own or any tables on which they have been granted table privileges(such as select , insert, update, delete).
Oracle provide facilities by which the default locking strategy can be overridden. Table(s) or row(s) can be explicitly locked by using either the Select...for update statement, or a lock table statement.

Select...For Update Statement
It is used for acquiring exclusive row level locks in anticipation of performing updates on records. It is often followed by one or more update statement with a where clause.

1. Two client machine Client A and Client B are generating sales_orders simultaneously.
2. Client A fires the following select statement.

Client A> SELECT * FROM Sales_Order Where order_no = '00001' for UPDATE;
When the above select statement is fired, the Oracle engine locks the record 00001, this lock is released when a commit or rollback is fired by Client A.

Now Client B fires a Select statement, which points to record 00001, which has already been locked by client A.

Client B> SELECT * FROM Sales_Order Where order_no = '00001' for UPDATE;
The Oracle engine will ensure that Client B's SQl statement waits for the lock to be released on Sales_Order by a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement fired by client a forever.

In order to avoid unnecessary waiting time, a NOWAIT option can be used to inform the Oracle engine to terminate the SQL statement if the record has already been locked.
If  this happens the Oracle engine terminates the running DML and comes up with a message indicating that the resource is busy.
If Client B fires the following select statement now with a NOWAIT clause.

Client B> SELECT * FROM Sales_Order Where order_no = '00001' for UPDATE NOWAIT;

Oracle engine will display the following message:
SQL> 00054: resource busy and acquire with nowait specified.

The Select...for update cannot be used with the following:
1. Distinct and the group by clause.
2. Set operators and group functions.

60) What is exception handler?
60) An Exception Handler is nothing but a code block in memory that will attempt to resolve the current exception condition. The Oracle engine can recognize every exception condition that occurs in memory. To handle very common and repetitive exception conditions the Oracle engine uses Named Exception Handlers. The Oracle engine has about fifteen to twenty named exception handlers. In addition to this Oracle engine uses more than twenty thousand numbered exception handlers. These exception handlers are identified not by names but by four integers preceded by a hyphen(i.e. -1414) . These exception handlers names are actually a set of negative signed integers. Each Exception Handler, irrespective of how it is identified, (i.e. by Name or Number) has code attached that will attempt top resolve an exception condition. This is how Oracle's "Default Exception-Handling" strategy works.

Oracle's default exception handling code can be overridden. When this is done Oracle's default exception handling code is not executed but the code block that takes care of the exception condition,  in the exception section, of the PL/SQL block executed. This is an example of a programmer giving explicit exception handling instructions to an Oracle exception handler.

This means that Oracle engin's Exception Handler must establish whether to execute its own exception handling code or whether it has to execute user-defined exception handling code.

As soon as the Oracle engine invokes an exception handler the exception handler goes back to the PL/SQL block from which the exception was raised. The exception handler scans the PL/SQL block for the existence of an Exception section within the PL/SQL block, If an exception section within the PL/SQL block exists the exception handler scan the first word, after the action word When, within the exception section.
If the first word after the action word "When", is the exception handler's name then the exception handler executes the code contained in the "Then" section of the construct as follows:

Exception: When {<Exception Name>} Then
{<User defined action to be carried out>}

The first word that follows the action word When must be String. Hence this technique will work well for the fifteen to twenty named exception handlers. In addition to these Oracle has twenty thousand numbered exception handlers, which are raised automatically can appropriately when the oracle engine recognizes exception condition. User defined exception handling code must be permitted even for these(numbered) exception handlers.

61) Pre-Defined Oracle error handlers?
1. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX: Raised when an insert or update attempts to create two rows with duplicate values in colums/s constrained by a unique index.
2. LOGIN_DENIED: Raised when an invalid username/password was used to log onto Oracle.
3. NO_DATA_FOUND: Raised when a select statement returns zero rows.
4. NOT_LOGGED_ON: Raised when PL/SQL issues an Oracle call without being logged onto Oracle,
5. PROGRAM_ERROR: Raised when Oracle has internal problem.
6. TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE: Raised when Oracle has been waiting to access a resource beyond the user-defined timeout  limit.
7. TOO_MANY_ROWS: Raised when a select statement returns more than one row.
8. VALUE_ERROR: Raised when the data type or data size is invalid.
9. OTHERS: Stands for all other exceptions not explicitly named.

62) USER-Named Exception Handlers?
62)  To handle unnamed internal exceptions, you must use the OTHERS handler or the
pragma EXCEPTION_INIT. A pragma is a compiler directive, which can be thought of as a parenthetical remark to the compiler. Pragmas (also called pseudoinstructions) are processed at compile time, not at run time. In PL/SQL, the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error number. That allows you to refer to any
internal exception by name and to write a specific handler for it. You code the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT in the declarative part of a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package using the syntax

PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(exception_name, Oracle_error_number);

where exception_name is the name of a previously declared exception. The pragma must appear somewhere after the exception declaration in the same declarative section, as shown in the following example:

  deadlock_detected EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(deadlock_detected, -60);
  User-Defined Exceptions
WHEN deadlock_detected THEN
-- handle the error


The technique that is used to bind a numbered exception handler to a name using Pragma Eception_init(), This binding of a numbered exception handler, to a name (i.e. a String), is done in the Declare section of a PL/SQL block.

All objects declared in the Declare section of a PL/SQL block not created until actually required within the PL/SQL block. However, the binding of a numbered exception handler to a name must be done exactly when declared not when the exception handler is invoked due to an exception condition.

The Pragma action word is a call to a pre-compiler, which immediately binds the numbered exception handler to a name when encountered.

The function Exception_init() takes two parameters the first is the user defined exception name the second is the Oracle engine's exception number. These lines will be included in the Declare section of the PL/SQL Block.

  <exception_name> EXCEPTION;
  PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(<exception_name>,<error_code_no>);

Using this technique it is possible to bind appropriated number exception handlers to names and use these names in the Exception section of a PL/SQL block. When this is done the default exception handling code of the exception handler is override and the user-defined xeception handling code is executed.

  <exception_name> EXCEPTION;
  PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(<exception_name>,<error_code_no>);
  WHEN <exception_name> THEN
     <action >

Using raise_application_error:  Package DBMS_STANDARD, which is supplied with Oracle, provides language facilities that help your application interact with Oracle.
For example, the procedure raise_application_error lets you issue user-defined error messages from stored subprograms. That way, you can report errors to your application and avoid
returning unhandled exceptions.To call raise_application_error, use the syntax

  raise_application_error(error_number, message[, {TRUE | FALSE}]);

where error_number is a negative integer in the range -20000 .. -20999 and
message is a character string up to 2048 bytes long. If the optional third parameter
is TRUE, the error is placed on the stack of previous errors. If the parameter is
FALSE (the default), the error replaces all previous errors. Package DBMS_STANDARD is an extension of package STANDARD, so you need not qualify references to its contents.

63) What is the block structure of PL/SQL block?

64) Bind variable?
64)  Bind variable, also referred to as input variables and output varaibles,  are used to promote the reuse of SQL statements.  For example, given the famous emp table in the scott schema, you may code:
SQL> select * from emp where empno = 1234;
SQL> select * from emp where empno = 5678;
Unfortunately, as far as Oracle is concerned, the above two queries are two completely different queries and each will need to be parsed, optimized, and validated for access (can you select * from the emp table?). If on the other hand you coded:

SQL> variable empno number
SQL> exec :empno := 1234;
SQL> select * from emp where empno = :empno;
SQL> exec :empno := 5678;
SQL> select * from emp where empno = :empno;

You would get the same results, but the second execution of the select statement would 'reuse' the already compiled, parsed, optimized query plan (eg: it would run faster the second time around). Since SQL query plans are shared not only across sessions (eg: you could log out and log back in between executions of the select statement and still see the speed up) but across users, commonly executed SQL will get parsed/compiled/optimized once per database instance, not per user/per use.
Bind variables can be used anywhere a database column can be used.  Anywhere you can put a column, you can put a bind variable.  You cannot use bind variables in place of database objects however, so for example:
SQL> select * from :some_table;

Will always fail. This SQL query cannot be parsed and compiled and optimized since the value of :some_table will be changing.  In order to accomplish the above you need to use dynamic sql (see dbms_sql if pl/sql is the access language, pro*c docs for documentation on dynamic sql methods 1-4 otherwise).
You can use bind variables anywhere. PL/SQL actually converts all local variables to bind variables in your static SQL automatically. With SQL, your host application has to supply actual values for bind variables if you use them.
NOT using bind variables where appropriate (and it's almost everywhere) is a major performance and scalability inhibitor. Without them, all your SQL is unique to Oracle, and each statement is hard-parsed and is kept in the library cache as new unique SQL, which quickly fills up the SGA with unique non-shareable statements and introduces library cache latch contention among other bad things. There are cases when you would want not to use bind variables (to allow CBO to see actual values so that it can come up with optimal plan for your particular data distribution), but these are actually rare.
Tom Kyte's book (Expert one-on-one: Oracle) lists a method for detecting SQL statements with literals, which allows to spot such statements quickly and reliably.
Optimizer and Bind variables: The first time the optimizer sees a SQL statement with bind variables, it checks the actual input values and uses those values to generate an execution path. Thereafter, the same path is used for that SQL text, regardless of the actual values for the bind variables in the subsequent uses of the text. This behavior also appears if you use cursor_sharing=force,  but can be modified if you use cursor_sharing=exact.
In 8i and later, there is CURSOR_SHARING parameter, which automatically replaces literals with bind variables when set to EXACT (or SIMILAR in 9i), but it has a number of bugs and caveats associated with it, so it's not a silver bullet, though it is particularly useful with dynamic SQL. You may want to look at it, but I would discourage setting it at instance level and only set it to EXACT in session when it is really needed. Ideally, you should explicitly use bind variables where they are appropriate and not rely on some database setting to do it for you automatically.
A Bind: A bind variable is like a parameter to a query.  For example the query:SQL> select * from emp where ename = 'KING'; make no use of bind variables. If we want to change the search criteria from 'KING' to 'BLAKE' we must rewrite the entire query, reparse and execute it. If on the other hand we had coded: SQL> select * from emp where ename = :x;

We would 'bind' the value of 'KING' to :x and simply parse and execute the query.  Later we can change the value of our bind variable :x to BLAKE and simply re-execute the query (skipping the parse phase).

To a forms developer, this is all pretty much transparent.  D2K and pl/sql do this transparently for you.  When you build a block and go into enter query mode, forms will build a query that uses bind variables(in the hope that someone else has already parsed/optimized such a query for us in the shared pool in the database and we can save time).  also, whenever you code pl/sql, the pl/sql parser is finding bind varaables

and turning them into 'real' bind variables when possible.  Consider the following example executed in sql*plus: SQL> alter session set sql_trace  =true;
Session altered.
SQL> @a
SQL> declare
  2       l_cnt   number;
  3       l_str   varchar2(20) default 'KING';
  4  begin
  5       select count(*) into l_cnt from emp where ename = l_str;
  6  end;
  7  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Now, when we run 'tkprof' on the generated trace file (from the alter session command) we get to see the 'real' sql we executed which was:
See how pl/sql rewrote the query using placeholders AKA bind variable in the query. 

65) Advantages of packages.
65) Advantages of Packages:
1. Packages enable the organization of commercial applications into efficient modules. Each package is easily understood, and the interface between package are simple, clear and well defined.
2. Package allows granting of privileges efficiently.
3.  A Package's public variables and cursor persist for the duration of the session. Therefore all cursor and procedures that execute in this environment can share them.
4.  Package enables the overloading of procedure and function when required.
5. Package improves performance by loading multiple objects into memory at once. Therefore, subsequent calls to related subprograms in the package require no I/O.
6. Package promote code reuse through the use of libraries that contain stored procedures and functions, reducing redundant coding.

65) PL/SQL table?
65) PL/SQL tables are a lot more useful than you might think. True, a PL/SQL table is LIKE a 1-dimensional array. However, unlike an array, it is a sparse structure. You only use the memory that you need. It's unlimited in it's size. Well, it IS limited by the amount of memory you have.

If you need to hold 100 items, then you must declare an array of that size with your normal programming langauges (such as C or Pascal or Basic). However, there really is no way to search the array other than a sequential search UNLESS you use hashing or a binary search.

With a PL\SQL table, the index is a binary index. The indexes do NOT have to be in sequential order. I can declare a PL/SQL table as such:

     TYPE error_table_typ IS TABLE of NUMBER(7)

     my_table error_table_typ;

I could then store numbers as follows:

 my_table(1) := 100;
 my_table(100) := 205;
 my_table(150) := 1;

All that is in memory are these three "records". That's it. Now, if I wanted to store them this way in an array in C or Pascal, I would have to create an array of at least 150 elements. Of course, some of you may be thinking, "WHY would I want to store elements out of order?" Well, a PL/SQL table works great if you have data you have to constantly verify against. Selecting against a PL/SQL table is a LOT faster than having to constantly go against a table in the database. Loading the table into a PL/SQL table and then using the PL/SQL table to verify your data is much faster. THIS is where a PL/SQL table comes in handy.

Let's say you have a table that has an ID to indentify a business. You want the business name. The ID's are NOT neccessarily in a sequential order. But, they ARE numbers. Here's the table:


 company_id_nbr    NUMBER(8);
        company_name_txt VARCHAR2(200);

We create a PL/SQL table as follows:

 TYPE company_name_table_typ IS TABLE of VARCHAR2(200)

 my_table company_name_table_typ;

        CURSOR my_cursor IS
           SELECT company_id_nbr, company_name_txt
             FROM company_table;

        my_cursor_rec my_cursor%ROWTYPE;

        OPEN my_cursor;
        FETCH my_cursor
         INTO my_cursor_rec;

        WHILE my_cursor%FOUND
           my_table(my_cursor_rec.company_id_nbr) :=

           FETCH my_cursor
            INTO my_cursor_rec;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE my_cursor;

Put this code into a procedure before you're main code runs (make the PL/SQL tables global, of course). Then, if we ever need to verify the company name and all we have is the id, we can then do the following:

           name_txt VARCHAR2(200);
           id_nbr   NUMBER(8);
           name_txt := my_table(id_nbr);


           WHEN no_data_found
              /* This will happen if the record does NOT exists */
              /* in the PL/SQL table. */


This is MUCH faster than going against the table in the database directly. THIS is the beauty of PL/SQL tables. At first, I too felt they were useless. Now,
I've gone back to many programs I've written and rewrote them to use  PL/SQL tables with this kind of programming. I have noticed a 25%+ increase in the speed in the verification routines of my programs, which also decreases the amount of time my programs run (especially my overnight processes that are

With PL/SQL 2.3, you will be able to have PL/SQL  tables with more than one column which means you can create a PL/SQL table that is a direct copy of a record of a table in the database. Until then, if you use PL/SQL version before 2.3, then you won't be able to have more than one column per PL/SQL table. But,
you just have to create a PL/SQL table for each column that has a different type and index each table by the same index. It's that simple.

66) How the nulls are handled in PL/SQL?
66) A NULL does not equal NULL. Null is always undefined. Since it has no definition it cannot be equal to another undefined value. This is how NULL are treated in ORACLE. if both columns that were being compared were null then they were not equal. One way to handle this is to wrap nvl(your_column_her,0) in your cursor select or in the comparison this will ensure that  NULL will be handled identically.
IF nvl(a,0) = nvl(b,0) then
  do something;

Watch out! The above example will fail when a=0 and b is null, and When a is null and b=0.
The only way you can really be sure is with something like this:

IF a = b or (a is null and b is null)

Oracle's way of always returning FALSE to any comparison where a column value is null indicates that
they don't work much in the *real*.

Ok, here is the partial package, the rest you can fill in with your
rules  for comparision ( is a null < null for example?.  Why is a null
< anything else?  )

create or replace package null
 function "="( a in varchar2, b in varchar2 ) return number;
 pragma restrict_references ( "=", WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS );

 function "<"( a in varchar2, b in varchar2 ) return number;
 pragma restrict_references ( "<", WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS );

end nulls;
create or replace package body nulls
 function "="( a in varchar2, b in varchar2 ) return number
  if ( a = b OR ( a is NULL and b is NULL ) )
   return 1;
   return 0;
  end if;
 end "=";

 function "<"( a in varchar2, b in varchar2 ) return number
  if ( a is NULL and b is NOT NULL )
   return 1;
  elsif ( a < b )
   return 1;
   return 0;
  end if;
 end "<";

end nulls;
select nulls."="( null, null )
from dual
select nulls."<"( null, 1 )
from dual

select * from dual
where nulls."="( null, null ) = 1

select * from dual
where nulls."<"( null, dummy ) = 1
67)  Exception?
67) Exceptions are identifiers in PL/SQL that are raised during the execution of a block to terminate its action. A block is always terminated when PL/SQL raises an exception but you can define your own error handler to capture exceptions and perform some final actions before quitting the block. If PL/SQL handles the exception within the block then the exception will not propagate out to an enclosing block or environment.
There are two classes of exceptions, these are :-
Predefined - Oracle predefined errors which are associated with specific error codes.
User-defined - Declared by the user and raised when specifically requested within a block. You may associate a user-defined exception with an error code if you wish.
If an error occurs within a block PL/SQL passes control to the EXCEPTION section of the block. If no EXCEPTION section exists within the block or the EXCEPTION section doesn't handle the error that's occurred then the block is terminated with an unhandled exception. Exceptions propagate up through nested blocks until an exception handler is found that can handle the error. If no exception handler is found in any block the error is passed out to the host environment. Exceptions occur when either an Oracle error occurs (this automatically raises an exception) or you explicitly raise an error using the RAISE statement.
The two most common errors originating from a SELECT statement occur when it returns no rows or more than one row (remember that this is not allowed). The example below deals with these two conditions.
      UPDATE JD11.BOOK SET COST = 21.32 WHERE ISBN > 21;
   END IF;
The block above will generate an error because there are more than one record with an ISBN greater than 21. The exception raised from this will be passed to the EXCEPTION section where each handled action will be checked. The statements within the TOO_MANY_ROWS action will then be executed before the block is terminated.
If some other error occurred this EXCEPTION section would not handle it because is isn't defined as a checkable action. To cover all possible errors you can specify a catch all action named OTHERS.
      UPDATE JD11.BOOK SET COST = 21.32 WHERE ISBN > 21;
   END IF;
This block will trap all errors. If the exception isn't no rows returned or too many rows returned then the OTHERS action will perform the error handling.
PL/SQL provides two special functions for use within an EXCEPTION section, they are SQLCODE and SQLERRM. SQLCODE is the Oracle error code of the exception, SQLERRM is the Oracle error message of the exception. You can use these functions to detect what error has occurred (very useful in an OTHERS action). SQLCODE and SQLERRM should be assigned to variables before you attempt to use them.
      UPDATE JD11.BOOK SET COST = 21.32 WHERE ISBN > 21;
   END IF;
      ERR_MSG := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,100);
If you explicitly need to raise an error you can do this by using the RAISE statement. For example, if you wanted to raise an error if a SELECT statement found a row (which it shouldn't have found) you would only be able to do this by raising your own error.
The example above shouldn't find any rows with an ISBN less than 0. If it did we raise our own exception to force PL/SQL to pass control to our own action within the EXCEPTION section.

68)  How many triggers?
68) There are total 14 database triggers

insert before
delete before
update before
insert after
delete after
update after

above all for each row
above all for each statement

these are 12
Istead of Trigger- INSTEAD-OF trigger provide a transparent way of modifying views that
cannot be  modified directly through DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). These trigger are called Istead-of-triggers because, unlike other types of triggers, oracle fires the trigger instead of executing the triggering statement. The trigger perform update, insert or delete operation directly on the underlying tables. Users write normal INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statement against the view nad the INSTEAD-OF trigger works invisibly in the background to make the reght action take place.

Instead of trigger are only applicable only for row level triggers.

8 System Level triggers - After Startup, Before Shutdown, After Logging, before logoff,
ServerError, create, alter, delete

Total is 14 database triggers.

69) Copy a structure of a table without records?
69) create table_name as select * from source_table where 1=2;

70) If two structure are same and one table in having data how to insert the data into empty
70) insert into tablename select * from tablename.

71) How to get salary whose salary is greate then avg sal?
71) select salary from employee where salary > (select avg(salary) from employee);

72) What will you get if you run "select 1 from ja05_customer;'
72) It will return number or rows with 1 like if there are to records it will return

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