
Friday 11 May 2012

AP Important Tables

AP_BATCHES_ALL contains summary information about invoices you enter in batches if you enable the Batch Control Payables option. There is one row for each batch of invoices you enter. If you enable Batch Control, each invoice must correspond to a record in this table.  This table corresponds to the Invoice Batches window.

AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL contains information about your bank accounts. You need one row for each bank account you define. Each bank account must be affiliated with one bank branch. When you initiate an automatic payment batch, enter a manual check, or create a Quick payment, you can select a bank account that you define in this table. This table corresponds to the Bank Accounts window.

AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES_ALL stores information for the internal and external bank accounts you define in Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables applications.

AP_BANK_BRANCHES contains information about the bank branches you define when you set up your banks. You need one row for each bank branch you use. One bank
branch may have multiple bank accounts. This table corresponds to the Bank Branch region of the Banks window.

AP_BANK_CHARGES stores header information you enter in the Bank Charges window in Oracle Payables or Oracle Receivables. You need one row for each bank combination you define in the Bank Charges window. TRANSFER_PRIORITY is NULL for a record entered in Oracle Receivables, and NOT NULL for a record entered in Oracle Payables.

AP_BANK_CHARGE_LINES stores ranges for bank charges and tolerance
limits. The range consists of TRANS_AMOUNT_FROM and TRANS_AMOUNT_TO. The record will be uniquely identified by BANK_CHARGE_ID,  TRANS_AMOUNT_FROM, and START_DATE.

AP_BANK_TRANSMISSIONS stores files you send and receive when you use the Automatic Bank Transmission feature. This table also stores information about each transmitted file. This table has one row for each file sent or received.

AP_BATCHES_ALL contains summary information about invoices you enter in batches if you enable the Batch Control Payables option. There is one row for each batch of invoices you enter. If you enable Batch Control, each invoice must correspond to a record in this table. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information
to group together invoices that one person entered in a batch.  This table corresponds to the Invoice Batches window.

AP_CARDS_ALL stores information about the corporate credit cards issued to your employees by your corporate credit card providers. The table stores information about both procurement cards and the credit cards your employees use for travel and entertainment. Each record in this table corresponds to one card issued to an employee. One card can be used by more than one employee, but only one employee is recorded per card. Use of each employee-issued card is restricted based on its assigned profile stored in AP_CARD_PROFILES_ALL. This table corresponds to the Credit Cards window.

AP_CARD_PROFILES_ALL stores information about the profiles you assign to the procurement cards issued to your employees by your corporate procurement card provider. You define procurement card profiles to specify the level of employee and
manager involvement required to have procurement card transactions processed.
This table corresponds to the Profiles window.

AP_CHECKS_ALL stores information about payments issued to suppliers or refunds received from suppliers.  You need one row for each payment you issue to a supplier or refund received from a supplier. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to record payments you make to suppliers or refunds you receive from suppliers. Your Oracle Payables application stores the supplier name and bank account name for auditing
purposes, in case either one is changed after you create the payment. Your Oracle Payables application stores address information for all payments. If you allow changes
to the supplier payment address on manual payments or Quick payments, your Oracle Payables application maintains the new address information in this table. Your Oracle Payables application uses BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM, BANK_NUM, and BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE for the supplier's bank information when you use the Electronic payment method. Your Oracle Payables application stores a dummy value for CHECK_STOCK_ID for refunds, thus, CHECK_STOCK_ID should not be treated as a
foreign key to AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL in the case of refunds.

AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL contains information about Distribution Sets you define to distribute invoices automatically. You need one row for each Distribution Set you use in your Oracle Payables application. When you enter an invoice, you can select a Distribution Set that you define in this table. When you select a Distribution
Set for an invoice, your Oracle Payables application automatically creates invoice distribution lines according to the lines you define for the Distribution Set you select. A Distribution Set must have one or more Distribution Set lines. This table corresponds to the Distribution Sets window.

AP_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL contains detailed information about individual distribution lines you define for a Distribution Set. You need one row for each
distribution line for a Distribution Set. When you select a Distribution Set for an invoice, your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice distribution lines.
A Distribution Set line must be affiliated with a single Distribution Set. This table corresponds to the Distribution Sets window. This table has no primary key, since your Oracle Payables application accesses its records exclusively in sets according to DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID.

AP_DOC_SEQUENCES_AUDIT contains audit information for document sequence numbers assigned to invoices and payments. Document sequence numbers are used to create unique, sequential, voucher numbers for referencing invoices
and payments. Each document sequence is defined with a range of numbers. A
document sequence is assigned to a document category which, in turn, is assigned to a document (invoice or payment) during creation.  When a number for a document sequence is assigned to an invoice or payment, your Oracle Payables application
creates a row in this table for the number. Your Oracle Payables application uses the records in this table to verify the availability of a number for a particular document
sequence before allowing the number to be assigned to a document.

AP_EXPENSE_REPORTS contains information about expense report templates you define for entering expense reports. When you enter an expense report, you can use a list of values to select the expense report template that you defined in this table. This table corresponds to the header region of the Expense Report Templates window.

AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non-matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice-shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table. This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Payables Invoice Validation), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID, and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.

AP_HOLD_CODES contains information about hold codes and release codes that you or your Oracle Payables application can place on an invoice. There is one row for each hold or release code. When you enter or validate an invoice, you can select a hold code that you defined in this table. Your Oracle Payables application also uses these hold codes when it places matching and tax variance holds during Invoice Validation. Your Oracle Payables application stores translations of HOLD_LOOKUP_CODES in the AP_LOOKUP_CODES table. This table corresponds to the Invoice Hold and Release Names window.

AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. An invoice of type
EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it calculates on invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table. This table corresponds to the Invoices window.

AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE stores header information about invoices that you create or load for import. Invoice data comes from sources including: EDI invoices from your suppliers that you load through Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, supplier invoices that you transfer through the Oracle XML Gateway, invoices that you load using Oracle SQL*Loader, lease invoices from Oracle Property Manager, lease payments from Oracle Assets, credit card transaction data that you load using the Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary, and invoices that you enter through the Invoice Gateway. There is one row for each invoice you import. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice header information when you submit the Payables Open Interface program.
AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE contains a unique invoice ID which is used to interface with AP_INVOICES_ALL. Please refer to the appendix of the Oracle Payables User Guide or online help for more detailed information on Open Interface table columns, including import validation and destination columns. This is the open interface table for AP Invoices.

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution information that is
manually entered or system-generated. There is one row for each invoice
distribution. A distribution must be associated with an invoice. An invoice
can have multiple distributions.

AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row in this table may create, during the import
process, more than one invoice distribution. For example, if you enter a Tax line in this table and prorate it across multiple Item lines, during Open Interface Import the system may create multiple Tax invoice distributions based on the single Tax line in this table.
Please refer to the appendix of the Oracle Payables User Guide or online help for more detailed information on Open Interface table columns, including import validation and destination columns. This is the lines interface table for the AP Invoice Open Interface. Use it in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_INTERFACE table.

AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL contains records of invoice payments that you made to suppliers. There is one row for each payment you make for each invoice. There is one payment and one invoice for each payment in this table. Your Oracle Payables application updates this table when you confirm an automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, or process a Quick payment. When you void a payment, your Oracle Payables application inserts an additional payment line that is the negative of the original payment line.

AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL contains the parameters and defaults you define for operating your Oracle Payables application system. This table contains information such as your set of books, your functional currency and your default bank account and payment terms. Your Oracle Payables application also uses this information to determine default values that cascade down to supplier and invoice entry. This table corresponds to the Payables Options window. There is only one row in this table. There is no primary key for this table.

AP_TAX_CODES_ALL contains information about the tax codes you define. You need one row for each tax code you want to use when entering invoices. When you enter
invoices, you can use a list of values to select a tax code defined in this table. Your Oracle Payables application also uses TAX_RATE to calculate use tax when you enter a taxable amount for an invoice. This table corresponds to the Tax Codes window.

PO_VENDORS stores information about your suppliers. You need one row for each supplier you define. Each row includes the supplier name as well as purchasing, receiving, payment, accounting, tax, classification, and general information. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to determine active suppliers. VENDOR_ID is the unique system-generated receipt header number invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the system-generated or manually assigned number you use to identify the supplier in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate supplier numbers for you. This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDORS corresponds to the Suppliers window.

PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL stores information about your supplier sites. You need a row for each supplier site you define. Each row includes the site address, supplier reference, purchasing, payment, bank, and general information. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to store supplier address information. This table is one of three tables that store supplier information. PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL corresponds to the Sites region of the Suppliers window.

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